Have you ever chased waterfalls? It’s like following a treasure map, searching for the hidden pot of gold. There are a vast amount of beautiful waterfalls in the New England region of the United States. We’ve put together this road trip guide to give you inspiration.

New York City or Newark, NJ to
1.5 hours
Enter the state park and you’ll see a parking lot on the right. Park there and look for the tail head on the left (opposite the parking lot).
Indian Wells State Park to
40 minutes
There’s a small parking lot for this falls. Walk across the field and you’ll hear the
falls through the trees. Take a minute to walk out into the stream and skip some rocks.
Wadsworth Falls to the
45 minutes
Just off the exit with lots of parking available. See basketball memorabilia, grab a bite to eat, watch a film or schedule a time for a skills challenge on the court.
Basketball Hall of Fame to
1 hour
Turn into the park area and park along the street on the left side of the falls. You can walk out into this falls, but be careful because the rocks are very slippery.

Old Jelly Mill Falls to
5 minutes
There’s a small parking lot near the bridge. Walk down the narrow steps to the stream bed. Stack some stones, take some pictures and even drive through the bridge on you way to your next stop.
Dummerston Covered Bridge to
25 minutes
Right along the highway, you’ll see a parking lot and small visitor center on your left. This trail is a bit difficult due to it’s steep decline.
Gorge State Byway/Gorge Falls to
2 hours
Hang out on the beach, climb the break wall and walk to town to get a bite to eat or enjoy their many flavors of ice cream.

Hampton Beach, NH to
1.5 hours
There are lighthouse tours during specific hours so reserve your spot in advance if you want to check it out. Walk out onto the rocks, take a self-tour of the fort, or walk the coastal trail.
Ft. Williams Park to
15 minutes
Walk around Old Port. Do some window shopping, grab a meal or just hang out on the wharf. You can’t leave Portland without trying a lobster role!
For more waterfall ideas in this region, check out New England Waterfalls available on Amazon. Leave a comment to let us know what waterfalls you love!
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